Same Algorithm, Same Logic, နဲ့ရေးထားပြီး 30 MB text file ကို PHP နဲ့ပြောင်းတာ second 29 ကြာပေမယ့် python နဲ့ကတော့ 1 seconds ပဲကြာတယ်။

searching တွေအတွက် crawling တွေအတွက် Giga Bytes လောက်ရှိတဲ့ Filesize တွေ အတွက် PHP ထက် Python က ပိုသင့်တောှတယ်။ Python ကို လေ့လာဖို့တော့ လိုလာပြီ ?????

4 responses to “Python is very faster than PHP”

  1. Can I see your both code? May be Python is faster than PHP. But I don’t believe there were that much performance gap while both Python and PHP are scripting languages. Did you tried PHP in CLI mode?

    By the way, notice one thing, PHP is strongly focused on Web Development!!! You shouldn’t use it to handle file system…

  2. Can you post the codes ? both PHP and Python.

  3. Topic should be “Python is very MUCH faster than PHP ” .. Every language has pros n cons .. The real world usage is solely depends on its own purpose and benchmarking needs more precise testing environment .. I dare you .. try ERLANG vs python or vs php .. see the page loding speed .. anyway check out plone cms benchmark against to those php counterparts.

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